Friday, February 1, 2013

Zennis Optical - Glasses 4 for $55

My wife just got glasses for the first time so I took the opportunity to get myself a few extra pairs of glasses.  We paid $54.65 for 4 pairs of glasses and we are both happy with our purchases!

I last ordered from in August of 2011.  I ordered 3 pairs of glasses and within a year I had already lost 2 of the pairs.  Zenni's glasses are not of the highest quality, but when they cost under $20 it is ok.  They are perfect for me because I end up losing them before they have a chance to break.  Also, since I am very stylish Zenni's allows me to change my glasses with the changing fashions ;)

Start your purchase from Top Cashback and get 8% back as well.

Don't have Top Cashback?  Sign up here for free.   They usually have the best cashback percentages (even better than Ebates) although it take a little longer to get your money.

As you can see, I got $3.98 back from Top Cashback for my purchase