Sunday, June 16, 2013

Chase INK Sign Up Bonuses Increase

Chase has increased the signup bonuses for their INK line of credit cards for this week.  These are all business cards and get 5% back at Office Supply stores.  Some have annual fees and some don't, but all of their sign up bonuses have been increased due to celebrate Small Business Week.

The INK Bold and INK Plus sign up bonuses have been increased from 50,000 to 60,000 after spending $5,000 in 3 months.

The INK Cash sign up bonus (no annual fee) has been increased from 20,000 points to 25,000 points.

I wouldn't get too caught up with this increase.  If you signed up recently and got the lower bonus, send Chase a secure message and you should be matched to these increased levels.  Also, if you sign up after this week you can likely still send a secure message to Chase and be matched to these levels for the next 3 months.

Check out this post by Dan's Deals if you want to sign up for the cards and support his blog.

Hat Tip - Susan Solovic via Frequent Miler