Monday, February 17, 2014

Travel Pony - $85 off $200 Hotel

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site: Travel Pony

Travel Pony is a new travel booking site that is offering some serious discounts to get going.

You get a $25 credit for signing up, but if you use someone's referral link, like mine, you will get an additional $10 credit for a total of a $35 credit.

In addition, use coupon code KATE50 for another $50 off a $200 booking so $85 off a $200 booking when you combine all the savings and credits!

Here is a picture of a dummy booking I made.

I have not done a tremendous amount of price comparison between Travel Pony and other sites, but they seem to be on par with other site and then the credits and coupon code make it a nice one time booking.