Monday, May 26, 2014

$15 free from Top Cashback and Audible

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site: Top Cashback is a website run by Amazon that sells audio books.

For the next 4 days, Top Cashback is offering $31 if you sign up for a monthly membership.  Just log in to your Top Cashback account and then go on to audible and sign up for a membership.

Don't have Top Cashback?  Sign up here for free.

Monthly membership is $8.01 with tax and you need to keep the account open for 30 days in order to be eligible for the cashback so you will likely pay for two full months.  In addition, you will get 2 free audio books since membership entitles you to one book a month.

I bought it and then immediately put a reminder in my calendar to cancel on day 31.  You can cancel online by going to Hi, Oren->Account Details> Change My Membership-> Cancel.

Pictures to follow