Monday, April 13, 2015

American Express Gift Cards 2% Cashback Thursday from Simply Best Coupons

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site: Simply Best Coupons

Via Frequent Miler Quick Deals

Simply Best Coupons will be giving 2% cashback on American Express Gift Cards on Thursday (4/16/2015).  That is better than the usual 1.5% from Top Cashback and others.

American Express Gift Cards are great for loading RedBird and regular spending.

Feel free to use Frequent Miler's signup link or my referral link.  You will get $5 and your referrer will get $5.  In addition, your referrer will get 5% bonus on your purchases up to $50 so spread the love to others as well.  Payouts start at $20.