Monday, June 1, 2015

Discover Doubled - 10% Cashback in Rotating Categories and Double Discover Deals for a Year? Major Announcement Today!

Update: Promotion is now live and is open to new and existing card holders.  Discover deals are not included but rotating 5% categories now become 10%!  Activate your 5% categories.

Doctor of Credit reports that Discover is going to announce a major promotion today.  Discover will be doubling their regular rewards for a year.

1% on all transactions becomes 2%
5% on rotating categories becomes 10%
Discover Deals might be doubled as well, TBD.

The sign up is supposed to be at 8am today but you can call up now to enroll.

All the bonus rewards are given at the end of the year (13th statement from now) so don't do anything that will cause Discover to shut down your account or you may not get your rewards.

This is a tremendous promotion for the rotating categories and Discover Deals (if they are included) and immediately puts Discover towards the top of my list for shopping online and rotating categories. Chasing the Points also reports that it's also possible to have more than 1 Discover card in order to take advantage of increased limits on rotating categories.

The past two years, the last category of the year included online shopping.  It might be possible to get 10% cashback on any online shopping during that category and double Discover Deals which is usually another 5% (sometimes more) which is doubled to 10%.  That's 20% cashback together.  Incredible! 

More details to come as they are known.