Saturday, February 7, 2015

Using American Express Gift Cards for RedBird

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site: Top Cashback

Ever since I have gotten RedBird it has instantly become part of my inner circle of cards.  Don't worry, it's a big circle.  RedBird allows me to create $5,000 of Manufactured Spending fee free every month.  Since my wife has one as well, that's doubled to $10,000 a month.

Loading is quick and easy.  It usually takes me about 20 minutes door to door to get to Target, load and come back home.  The Target employees are always very helpful and never look at the name on the card even when I hand them two.  If I put $10,000 a month on my Fidelity American Express that's $200 a month of free money!

But you know me, I'm always thinking, Can we do better? So, can we do better?  The answer, of course, is yes!

American Express Gift Cards and RedBird - Like Peas and Carrots

I've posted many times about American Express Gift Cards.  One of their best uses is to load money onto RedBird.  Here is how it works:

1) Start at Top Cashback and then go to the American Express Gift Card website.
2) Buy AMEX gift cards with your Fidelity American Express
3) Use your Gift cards at Target to load RedBird.
4) Rinse and Repeat next month

Top Cashback lately has a baseline payout of 1.5% for American Express Gift Cards and sometimes it goes up to 2.25%.

Assuming a 1.5% payout, you will still get your 2% cashback from Fidelity.  The best way to maximize fees is to buy 5 $2,000 gift cards at a time ($3,000 gift cards seem to no longer payout on portals).

Fees come out to $28.70.  You get $200 cashback from Fidelity and $150 from Top Cashback or $350 total.  After fees, it comes out to $321.30 or 3.21%.

That's $160 every month for every RedBird you have.  If you have two cards like me, you will be getting $321.30 every month or $3,855.60 a year!

But wait, there's more!

If you can buy in at 2.25% payout, it's even better for the same amount of work.

Your fees come out to the same $28.70.  You get $200 cashback from Fidelity and $225 from Top Cashback or $425 total.  After fees, it comes out to $396.30 or 3.96%.

That's $198 for every RedBird you have.  If you have two cards like me, you will be getting $396.30 every month or $4.755.60 a year!  Realistically, you aren't likely to get a full year's worth at the 2.25% cashback and even the 1.5% may disappear at some point, but I will enjoy it until it goes away.