Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Chase Ink Plus Increased Sign Up Bonus - 60,000 Ultimate Rewards Points

Chase has increased the signup bonuses for the Ink Plus Business card until the end of March.

The INK Plus sign up bonus has been increased from 50,000 to 60,000 after spending $5,000 in 3 months.  You also get 5% cashback at Office Supply stored.

This is an extra 10,000 points, but the annual fee is not waived for the first year. Essentially you are buying the extra 10,000 points for $95, which is an all right price, but not a great price to get too excited about.  There are also reports of the annual fee being waived if you apply at a branch and you will still get 60,000 points.  It's worth a shot.

chase ink plus bonus

I wouldn't get too caught up with this increase.  If you signed up recently and got the lower bonus, send Chase a secure message and you should be matched to these increased levels.

HT - Frequent Miler Quick Deals