Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Gift Cards on Sale at eBay

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site:    Top Cashback, eBay

HT - Frequent Miler Quick Deals

Paypal Digital Gifts is offering $15 off $100 purchases of certain gift cards on eBay.  Check it out on Frequent Miler's page.  There is a nice list there, including Best Buy eGift Cards which can be sold for a small profit at SaveYa.

Make sure to use either you eBay Bucks, eBay Gift cards or Chase Ink as that should give you 5x Ultimate Rewards points.

Also, start your purchases from Top Cashback and you will earn an additional 1.21% on top of everything.  Just search for the name of the gift card "$50 Best Buy eGift Card" after you visit the portal.