Tuesday, May 5, 2015

$200 Amerian Express Gift Cards - 5.5% with Premium Shipping and Possibly More

HT: Dee on FrequentMiler via Doctor of Credit

There is a new American Express "Offers for You" available that is widespread.  As Airways,  you need to add the offer to your card before you can get the reward.

The offer is $10 off a $200 American Express gift card.  The gift cards have a $3.95 fee so you will be paying $193.95 for a $200 gift card.  That's 3%.

You should be getting at least 1% cashback or miles from your crdit card so bump it up to 4%.

If you use a shopping portal like Top Cashback, you will likely get another 1.5-2.25%.  Assuming the low end of 1.5%, you will get 5.5% total.  You can also wait around for a promo code for the activation fee, though you will forfeit the money from a shopping portal.

The problem is shipping since it is $8.95.  If you don't already have Premium Shipping, you can get a 90 day trial for free.  You can also buy your regular AMEX gift cards and get $10 off.  Whatever works for you.

Check out Doctor of Credit's post for more creative ideas as well.

All prepaid products are not eligible according to fine print even though they are normally eligible for American Express Offers.