Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Trying to Figure Out Which Items Sold Today on Amazon? There is a Simple Solution

Update:  A couple of people have noted that you can use the App to do the same thing.  Change the settings on orders to pending and you can see your sales.  Thanks everyone!

HT: @tgere79 

One of the more frustrating things about the standard setting in Amazon is that it is tough to figure out what you have sold today.  You can check your "reserved" inventory but that is a combination of items reserved for sale and items reserved for fulfillment center processing (moving items from FC to another).

The FBA app will tell you how many sales you have that day and for how much money but it won't tell you what sold.

In addition, if you sell many items, it can be hard to remember which items had been reserved from the day before and which items are newly reserved.

I find it very important to know what has sold since I may need to adjust my price higher.  For example, if I sell something for $30 and the next lowest seller is $35, you can bet I'm changing my price to $34.  If it has been only one day and a few items have sold, I am increasing my price tremendously (10-20%+ higher sometimes)

Luckily, there is an easy workaround:

Click on Manage Orders

Click on Advanced Search:

Change the settings to "Pending Orders" and the date range to "the last 3 days" and you will now see any pending (sales made but haven't shipped yet) for the last 3 days.

The default setting will come back next time.  You can however click on "make this my default order view" when you are back in Manage Orders.
