Monday, August 17, 2015

$100 Sears Gift Card $85 on eBay - $15+ Reselling Money Maker - Take Advantage of 6% eBay Bucks

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site:  Top Cashback, eBay, Shop at Home

Update: Shop at Home dropped down to 1%

HT - Dan's Deals

eBay is selling $100 Sears Gift Cards for $85 - Limit of 2 per account.  This is a physical gift card.

You can sell the Digital Code to SavYa for 84% according to Gift Card Wiki so you will lose $2 if you buy 2.

However, if you buy 2 you can earn:

1.2% from Top Cashback  or 2% from Shop at Home. $2.04/$3.40 - Shop at Home is now 1%
6% in increased eBay Bucks if you are targeted - $10.20
2% from your credit card - $3.40 - more if you buy discounted eBay cards.

That's a total of $17, but you lose $2 from the sale.  You could earn more if you buy discounted eBay gift cards.

Keep in mind that prices can drop so you may not be able to sell the gift cards for the the full $84.

Also, if you use Top Cashback, you can file a Price Match Guarantee claim once the transactions posts to match the 2%, but it must be within 7 days of the transaction so it is a small window.