Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ways to Support Your Favorite Bloggers

As Bloggers are fond to tell you, Blogging is not easy.  It takes a lot of mental energy and time to figure out deals and write posts that are worthy of being read.

There are many ways to support your favorite Bloggers.  Your little bit really does add up here.

  • Keep reading and sharing.
    • Bloggers need readers like you!  If you like what you are reading, share with others.  It's good for everyone.

  • Start Amazon searches from the Blog's website
    • Most people aren't able to use a shopping portal for the vast majority of purchases on Amazon anyways so why not help a Blogger out! On the right side of my site you will find an Amazon search bar.  If you start your purchase there, I will get a percentage of what you purchase without affecting you at all.  Many bloggers have this capabilities.

  • Start a subscription to take advantage of the Bank of America Better Balance Rewards Card or any other credit/debit card requiring a minimal number of monthly purchases.
    • The Better Balance Rewards is one of my favorite cards.  You earn $25-$30 every quarter for having a balance on the card every month and paying it off.  There are many ways to set up automatic purchases.  One of them is to pay for a subscription to Freequent Flyer Book's monthly super secret tips.  They are a little more obscure than your regular Manufactured Spending techniques but they are more likely to last because of it.  Alternatively, you can start a $1, $5 or $10 monthly subscription on this site through PayPal, also on the right side of the site.  I don't offer anything extra except the knowledge that you are helping Oren's Money Saver continue to be successful.  I know, I should charge more!

  • Send over deals and information
    • I can't and don't come up with every deal on my own.  I need your help.  Comment on the blog or send me an email if you think I would be interested in something.  I usually respond pretty quickly but I have a lot of obligations so forgive me if I delay in responding.  A great deal is worth a lot of thanks.