Tuesday, September 15, 2015

$100 ExxonMobil Gift Cards for $90 - Reselling Money Maker

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site:  eBay, Inbox Dollar, Top Cashback

Update: Sold Out

HT - Frequent Miler

eBay is selling $100 ExxonMobil Gift Card for $90 from SVM Gift Cards.  Limit of 3.

According to Gift Card Wiki they can be sold to SaveYa or CardCash/ABC Gift Cards for 91%.

You earn $3 on the sale.

You can earn 5% from a portal, either Inbox Dollars or a 5% match from Top Cashback.  That's another $13.50.

Earn 2% or more from your credit card.  That's another $5.40.
Earn 2% in eBay Bucks (there may be increased eBay Bucks soon but that is a risk) - Another $5.40
Buy or use eBay Gift Cards for increased Savings.

This a really nice reselling opportunity as long as the price doesn't go down, which it may.