Friday, September 25, 2015

Amazon Prime Membership $67 for New Members Only - Now Live

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site: Amazon, Discover, Giving Assistant

Amazon is selling certificates for Amazon Prime membership for a year for $67 for new members only.  It is normally $99 a year

The gift subscriptions are not being discounted so this is for new members only.

Please keep in mind that you should pay with a Discover Card if you haven't maxed out your Q3 spending yet. That will be 5% cashback (and another 5% cashback at your 13th statement cycle if you are enrolled in the Discover Double Cashback Promotion).

In addition, you start Amazon purchases with Giving Assistant first.  I don't know if they will give 5% cashback for this, but they might, just like they do on most Amazon purchases.  Worth a shot.

If you don't have a Discover Card, you can use my referral link to earn a $50 signup bonus (doubled after the 13th statement) after your first purchase.