Monday, September 21, 2015

iPad Air 2 64GB on sale eBay - $125+ Reselling MoneyMaker (Select States)

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site:  eBay, Inbox Dollar, Top Cashback, Amazon

HT - JS via Dm

eBay has the iPad Air 2 64GB for $490 there is no taxes in SC, but there is tax in NY, NJ, FL, CA.  Put in your address and see what happens.  Lets your SC friends know :) Max of 5 per person.

 These sell on amazon for about $540, depending on color.

FBA fees (before shipping) bring down your takehome to about $510. Shipping will take it down to about $505-$509.

That's $15-$20 on the sale or $75-$100 for 5 of them

So here's the bonus cash:

Start with Inbox Dollars or 5% match from Top Cashback. = $24.50.  There are some reports of declined matches, I did successfully match today, but be aware.
2% in eBay Bucks = $9.80
Use up eBay Gift Cards - You can either use eBay gift cards which hopefully you bought at a discount or you can use a credit card that earns 2% which would be another $9.80

You can buy eBay Gift cards for even greater savings.

Overall, you could earn about $65, over 13%, and more if you use eBay Gift Cards.  That's over $300 if you buy 5.   There are about 125-250 of each color left.