Thursday, September 24, 2015

Amazon Prime Available Tomorrow for $67 per Year - New and Existing Customers

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site: Amazon, Discover, Giving Assistant

Tomorrow, starting at 12am ET until 11:59pm PT, Amazon will sell certificates for Amazon Prime membership for a year for $67 for new members only.  It is normally $99 a year.

At the same time, you will be able to buy a "gift of prime" for $67.  The gift subscriptions never expire so you could theoretically lock in a $67 price for as many years as you want.  You can send it to your email and then open the link when you are ready to activate an extra

Check out Dan's Deals for the details and how to turn off Auto Renew on your existing prime membership

Existing members cannot get the discount.

Please keep in mind that you should pay with a Discover Card if you haven't maxed out your Q3 spending yet. That will be 5% cashback (and another 5% cashback at your 13th statement cycle if you are enrolled in the Discover Double Cashback Promotion).

In addition, you start Amazon purchases with Giving Assistant first.  I don't know if they will give 5% cashback for this, but they might, just like they do on most Amazon purchases.  Worth a shot.

If you don't have a Discover Card, you can use my referral link to earn a $50 signup bonus (doubled after the 13th statement) after your first purchase.