Sunday, September 13, 2015

MacBook on Sale on eBay - Reselling Opportunity

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site:  Amazon, eBay

Update - check to see if you have a 10% off coupon 

Ok, so I really don't have time to post this, but it's also a good deal.  You'll have to figure out everything yourself.  Sorry, I don't usually do this.

eBay has the MacBook MD101LL/A 13" for $800 without tax everywhere except NJ.  I sold it last week for $890 as new and it is still around that price on Amazon.  Max of 2.

Return to product information

FBA fees (before shipping) bring down your takehome to about $825. Amazon could always say you can't sell as new which changes your profit margin.

eBay Bucks (2% right now), Inbox Dollars (or Top Cashback with a match to Inbox Dollars) for 5% ($40!), credit card rewards, eBay gift cards sweeten the deal.

Sorry, gotta run!