Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Roomba 650 on Sale on eBay -

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site:  eBay, Amazon, Top Cashback

Update - check to see if you have a 10% off coupon 

HT - BS via DM on Twitter

eBay is selling the Roomba 650 for $300 with no tax anywhere except NY.  Limit of 5.  About 50 available so buy it now if you are interested, it won't last.

The same Roomba sells for about $400 on Amazon, the fees knock it down to about $330 before shipping (Roombas have massive fees).  It weighs a lot (12-13lbs) so shipping will probably be another $10.  You might have to lower your price a bit to sell so you might only make $10 on the sale (you are competing against Amazon - not always wise).  Mostly likely you will earn about $10 on the sale, or $50 for the 5.

Why would you do it?  For the eBay Bucks and portal of course!

Targeted 10% back in eBay Bucks is $30
5% match from Top Cashback - $15

Buy 3 at a time to maximize eBay Bucks (Maximum $100 per transaction).

If you buy eBay Gift Cards you can make even more money.

You can make about $45 from those two per Roomba.  You can buy up to 5 so this can be lucrative, but you are only going for the eBay Bucks and the portal.  Don't buy it for the profit on the sale!

#4 in Robot Vacuums.  I've never sold this model but Roombas do usually sell pretty quickly.