Sunday, September 20, 2015

iPads on Sale at Walmart

Disclaimer: I receive a referral commission for the following link(s) and I greatly appreciate supporting the site: Amazon, Discover 

 HT: TG via DM

Walmart is selling a few iPads at really good prices and, as opposed to last time, these are ranked much higher.

Here are the specs:

iPad Air 32GB with Wifi and AT&T for $350 - There is silver and space gray available and you can buy 2 of each color

These sell for $415-$430 on Amazon, depending on the color.

Fees are about $25 and shipping should be $5 or much less if you bunch a few in one shipment. Takehome is about $390 at the lower end of selling at $415.    You can assume you are paying about $375 after taxes so that leaves a profit of about $15 per tablet

Space gray is ranked #1,929 in computers and #495 in tablets.
Silver is ranked #1,966 and #502 in tablets

This still won't be the fastest sale, but it should be quicker than the last sale.

Last time the ranks were about 6,000-8,000 (I still haven't sold mine since I am holding out for a higher price.  Prices fell pretty steeply, very quickly.  I am assuming once the wave of resellers goes away the price will come back up but I don't know that for sure.)

Juicing the deal a little bit

You can pay with discount gift cards.  As of this writing, Raise has Walmart gift cards available at about 2.5% off.  You can buy them with any credit card (including American Express Gift Cards) to add 2.5% of profit to the deal.

I have a few credit cards to hit spending thresholds for sign up bonuses so this was a perfect deal for me.  I am not expecting a super quick payoff, but it is a nice amount of spending.

Start your purchase from Discover Deals for 5% cashback now and another 5% cashback if you are enrolled in the Discover Double Cashback promotion.  That's another $35 per tablet ($17.50 now and $17.50 in 13 months).

Last time, the purchases tracked successfully through the Discover Deals portal.

If you don't have a Discover Card, you can use my referral link to earn a $50 signup bonus (doubled after the 13th statement) after your first purchase.